Ever wanted to grow food like an astronaut?

We bring technology originally developed for the International Space Station, to your location.


How does HERBY® work?

1. Vertical surface design

HERBY grows plants from a vertically inclined surface with roots insulated in a separate chamber. This novel vertical surface design (patent pending) offers an industry leading user experience with great work ergonomics and minimal maintenance needed.

2. Closed-loop irrigation

HERBY uses a novel fog based irrigation method based on NASA studies conducted on the International Space Station. Excess water is re-used in a closed-loop, using less than 95 % water compared to conventional farming.

3. Smart technologies and data tracking

A built-in sensor suite collects a range of growth variables, optimising the growing environment for each plant species automagically.

4. Built-in SEEDPOD® nursery

Incubate new plants using your favourite SEEDPODS® in the built-in nursery. This way you can always have new plants ready to go!

Browse our full SEEDPOD® catalogue from our website [coming soon].

A R C T I C F A R M I N G I S S U P P O R T E D B Y :

How does vertical farming work?

Indoor vertical farming in short

Vertical farming is a form agriculture where plants are grown indoors in multiple layers. Most indoor vertical farming technologies, like Herby use a soilless irrigation method called hydroponics.

In hydroponics, no soil is used and instead, nutrient rich water is circulated directly to the plant roots maximising growth and quality of the produce.

Indoor vertical farming allows the production of fresh food in the heart of large consumer centres. This cuts logistics, keeps the produce fresh, and results in high quality produce regardless of the season.

What is indoor vertical farming?

1. Cuts food waste

Farming in the heart of large consumer centres enables us to minimize food waste during primary production, processing and distribution.

2. Multiple times more efficient

Vertical farming utilises both the horizontal and vertical planes of production achieving multiple times the production per sqm compared to conventional field farming.

3. Grow high-cost products around the year

The controlled environment technology used by HERBY allows you to grow fresh high-cost products like culinary herbs, edible flowers, and other exotic plants around the year regardless of the location.

4. No harmful chemicals or pesticides used in production

Since indoor vertical farming is done in an controlled indoor environment, there is no need for chemical pesticides. This means that the produce are safer to consume, and do not waste natural resources needed in pesticide production.

Benefits of indoor vertical farming

Space technology has never tasted this good